Sunday, March 16, 2014

Emotion Life

Never comment a person life if you are not living their life, You will never understand how they felt, Just be there with them and shut up! We are not in their shoes, we will never feel what they felt. Even you put on their shoes and try to look at the view they look at, you still don't get to see what they see. Everyone is different, we born in different family and grown up in different ways. Don't try to be smart ass to teach others on what to do when you are not showing a good example. Attitude says a person more than anything else. Just live your own life in a proper ways and be good to people around you. Never ever complaint on life, is your life, how you want it to be, is how you gonna walk it. Life is never easy unless you are crazy! We are human that full of emotions, you tried hard to control your emotion but you never succeed before. Thats what makes human so unique~

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Reality and dream

Well, three days back, I put my hope on this advertising company. It was multinational company, "Ogilvy & Mather". Oh hell, that was my dream of being a part in the advertising company.

Yes, I went for the interview, and YES. I got the job! As junior producer.

Came to think about what i'm actually looking for in life? How I want my life to be? What I want? When you grow up, you have so much to think of. But of course, I have my reason to reject that job.

I love myself after all.

Okay, two months back, I also got a so call job in 8tv. And yet, I rejected.

I reject all that not because of relationship.

BELLE~~ oh ~ BELLE~~ , you have to face the reality. Whats the reality about? Is all about MONEY!!!

I did not give up my dream, I'm about to achive it, just a little delay.

Goal before 25th, to have monthly income of RM5k and above. WOw, sound impossible huh, no way! I have to work for that man, that is only what I want in life yo...

Those advertising, wedding planner are glamorous. But still I have my dream. I put it on 30s to be done. Not old yet.

Well, I have a listing of what I want to do before I turn 30s...a long list.

That will be in next post, perhaps =)

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Confuse of?

Words seems to be harmless, but it hurts the most.
When words come to action, I totally down on my knee.
You think is fine but it is not fine at all.
I'm confuse of myself now.

Friday, March 4, 2011


I have no idea what the motorist think?
They think the car have to give way and they are the king on the road.
I know I know, your transport are tiny compare to car.
But, bear in mind, car are not tiny.
Please ride with law. Is not your father's road.
Anyway, no death happen. That will be fine for me, well I'm afraid of accident, think I will have phobia man.

Bad day!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


I'm happy cuz you are happy.
You feeling lucky and I can hear your joy :)
Can you hear? I'm celebrating the joy with you <3
IPad **

Just a kiss

就是少了那个good night kiss :)
I'm sorry too 


可能,太习惯在睡前听你和我说good night。