Saturday, April 16, 2011

Reality and dream

Well, three days back, I put my hope on this advertising company. It was multinational company, "Ogilvy & Mather". Oh hell, that was my dream of being a part in the advertising company.

Yes, I went for the interview, and YES. I got the job! As junior producer.

Came to think about what i'm actually looking for in life? How I want my life to be? What I want? When you grow up, you have so much to think of. But of course, I have my reason to reject that job.

I love myself after all.

Okay, two months back, I also got a so call job in 8tv. And yet, I rejected.

I reject all that not because of relationship.

BELLE~~ oh ~ BELLE~~ , you have to face the reality. Whats the reality about? Is all about MONEY!!!

I did not give up my dream, I'm about to achive it, just a little delay.

Goal before 25th, to have monthly income of RM5k and above. WOw, sound impossible huh, no way! I have to work for that man, that is only what I want in life yo...

Those advertising, wedding planner are glamorous. But still I have my dream. I put it on 30s to be done. Not old yet.

Well, I have a listing of what I want to do before I turn 30s...a long list.

That will be in next post, perhaps =)

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