Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Emo pibo pibo

Having mood swing. *horrible
I try so hard to control and not throwing my temper on anyone.
Somehow, I did that to those who care for me. I'm sorry, Junie & Bernard.

I fine, but I'm not good.
Life never better.
Is so tough.
I hardly take a breath.
inhale~~~~~ and ....exhale...
better a little bit now. little bit only...too never better..damn!

I guess my brain is only 1GB.
I can't absorb in one lump sum...
I will go marry go round.
Hey! I have to stay positive!!!
If I believe I can, and I can...(standard motivation quote) lolx

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Bank life?

11th day in bank.

What is the life in bank?
Well, I never ever thought that I will be working in the bank.
Everything seem so new to me.
BLR? Income Documents? Margin of advance?
Full of question mark above my head.
I'm like a new born baby in the world.

But, everyday! every single day, I learn new things.
That is what I love, at least I'm not empty head home.
This job is really not my ideal job.
But still, I like what I'm doing, because of what I dislike.

When I was in high school, I said I'm not going to do anything relates to econs and account.
But end up? Where am I? OCBC...that was funny about me..
Even in college, I said, die die I also won't work in bank.
End up? OCBC.
Things is so funny, and strange. Life full of amaze.

What I love,
I love fantasy,imagination, fresh and new.
Dreamy me dislike things that is fact.( everything in bank is FACT and policy =.=)
I love arts.
I love beautiful things.
That is why I never regret taking broadcast. (that is interest, but can't earn a living)
I love those day we crack our head for editing, shooting and bla bla bla...
I enjoy those day in internship. Is like, wow, that is so crazy...I told myself, that wasn't is so crazy!!! but i love. Never I will forget those day in Carrot films. ( but I don't think I will go into this field, is tired and lifeless...haha)

Every path that I take with no regrets, because I appreciate everything I do and the people.
Everyday I learn something new, about people behavior, attitude and new things :)
This is life !