Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Emo pibo pibo

Having mood swing. *horrible
I try so hard to control and not throwing my temper on anyone.
Somehow, I did that to those who care for me. I'm sorry, Junie & Bernard.

I fine, but I'm not good.
Life never better.
Is so tough.
I hardly take a breath.
inhale~~~~~ and ....exhale...
better a little bit now. little bit only...too never better..damn!

I guess my brain is only 1GB.
I can't absorb in one lump sum...
I will go marry go round.
Hey! I have to stay positive!!!
If I believe I can, and I can...(standard motivation quote) lolx

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Bank life?

11th day in bank.

What is the life in bank?
Well, I never ever thought that I will be working in the bank.
Everything seem so new to me.
BLR? Income Documents? Margin of advance?
Full of question mark above my head.
I'm like a new born baby in the world.

But, everyday! every single day, I learn new things.
That is what I love, at least I'm not empty head home.
This job is really not my ideal job.
But still, I like what I'm doing, because of what I dislike.

When I was in high school, I said I'm not going to do anything relates to econs and account.
But end up? Where am I? OCBC...that was funny about me..
Even in college, I said, die die I also won't work in bank.
End up? OCBC.
Things is so funny, and strange. Life full of amaze.

What I love,
I love fantasy,imagination, fresh and new.
Dreamy me dislike things that is fact.( everything in bank is FACT and policy =.=)
I love arts.
I love beautiful things.
That is why I never regret taking broadcast. (that is interest, but can't earn a living)
I love those day we crack our head for editing, shooting and bla bla bla...
I enjoy those day in internship. Is like, wow, that is so crazy...I told myself, that wasn't is so crazy!!! but i love. Never I will forget those day in Carrot films. ( but I don't think I will go into this field, is tired and lifeless...haha)

Every path that I take with no regrets, because I appreciate everything I do and the people.
Everyday I learn something new, about people behavior, attitude and new things :)
This is life !

Monday, August 9, 2010

Ocean Park

Summer holiday in HONG KONG!!! With Cindy, Lisher and Chee Tat.
First day of arrival, SHOPPING at CityGate!!! The transportation in Hong Kong is very convenient and easy. Unlike in sad to say, but is true. You just need to buy an Octopus Card to start travelling in HK.

Is only HK$150, but it won't be enough to travel. I reload HK$150 and got my refund HK$29.

Never Never go Ocean Park during Summer Holiday! Is a disaster!!! Let me tell you why later on...breakfast at somewhere near by our hotel. Some shop, I don't know what's the name.


This is the breakfast set, macaroni with "char siew"?
Come with milk tea and a set of "polo bao" + sausage + ham.The taste is weird, cause I'm not into macaroni.

Is like pouring hot water into the macaroni and drop some "char siew" in it.
One set equal to two person portion, we only order two sets. The price is HK$25 per set. The milk tea unlike Malaysia "teh tarik". I almost spit out at first sip...How I suppose to know the milk tea is without sugar...the waitress asked me have I put sugar? After I drink only she ask...swt..The milk tea is really MILK tea. Milk is thicker than tea.

Here we are!!! Footsteps in Ocean Park. Is never windy outside. Summer summer...
Entrance fees HK$250. Bus fare two ways HK$20++.

YELLOW fishy kisses

long long escalator, is so far to get from one place to the other.

Planning for what to do next while lining up for our turn to ride!

Damn HOT + HUMID! and the queue is so damn long. Looking at the map, finding direction and mark shows of the day.
Too bad, we din't manage to go for any shows, because every where or corner of the park is pack of human! Just to say, some people over there are rude, those from "C" country and speak in "M" slang. I wonder where is their manners and moral values...haiz...


Sun block, sun glass, umberalla, tissue or handkerchief is a must in summer wherever you go. I never sweat that much before just by walking. My sweat drip non-stop from no where. My handkerchief is full of my sweat and is WET!!! In the end of the day, I used tissues..haha

You can see how wet is our hair, is our stinky sweat!
Woolala~~~ we kissed the sea lion xD

The souvenir shop, expensive soft toys but I love the soft toys so much, almost kidnap that dolphin into my bag..hohoho...

OMG! look at our face, under the sun for long hours, look a like dead fish. Everywhere we go in the park, we are sardine fish =.=

The big big aquarium with huge fishy in it.

Really exhausted for the day. Plus the crowd that turn us off. Eventually, we only went for two rides, and one ride about 45mins or 1hour of waiting. Six hours under the sun, I got my skin tan in just 3hours.Rossy cheeks + skin burn + tan skin. Back to hotel about 6 noon, and rush for night outing. to be continue...

P/s: More picture coming up in FB :D

Good day!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Poor English

Ever since I left Convent, my 'ang mo' (English) getting worst.
Alright, I know is never better -.-#

Look, now I hate to talk, because I know I never get to pronounce the words correctly. To make myself feel better, I said it is braces that way, I feel good~~~

Why I say so, two days ago, I saw this word "hangers" in Sunway Pyramid's laundry shop, I thought for a second, what word is that and how to read it? I read it this way, 'han - gers', WHAT is that word means ? scratch my head, shake my head, WTH! is hang-er...ahdoi~ how can I not knowing this word..swt.

Look, I got to make this VERY CLEAR in my blog! Although I'm from Convent doesn't mean I can write good English okay! I wish I could write in good grammar too...too bad :(
I have bad grammar, as long it sounds good when I write, here it goes how I blog.
Don't cha worry, I will make sure what I write is understandable ;)

Since I left high school, out to college and to this horrible society, everyone speak mandarin~~~
Good point is, my mandarin improved !!! I proud to say, I know Chinese proverbs too...muahahaha..
Bad thing is, English standard goes down...sad :'(
I think I need to take up English courses already, but but but...I'm poor in cash, anyone that is kind enough can donate some to my account. Please! do some charity...ekekekez...

Monday, August 2, 2010

MMU's Convo

Congratz to my beloved Lisher!

30th July 2010 arrive at Sri Kembangan. I'm there for my partner (Lisher) convo in MMU the next day. Time really flies...
Is super duper HOT in her convo, been standing outside the hall, and there is no shade! I sweat like water fall.
Not only me, I think most of the people there. 2000 students graduate! My college only 200 plus plus I think, or less, I don't know..haha..
During the night, we met our old school mate, Amy Tan. Sat at the mamak stall chit-chating from 11pm to 3am. Nice catching up with an old friend :)

So tired for the day and night.
Blink blink eyes, 3days 2night in KL was like 2Fast 2Furious!!!
I'm so occupied weyyyy~~~~
Back to Penang I have to unpack and pack again for next trip. Coming soon...real soon..

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

One week in KL

One week in Kuala Lumpur, I know is not a big deal, is just KL...
But I enjoyed to the fullest for the trip! Because I got to meet up with my sisters. I met my san jie bf, Leon, they are nice enough to bring me around. So as my partner's bf, Chee Tat, he was nice too...I'm happy for them :)
mine? nah~ Not in good to be single sometimes :D

First two night at Lisher's place, next three nights at Mandy's place and one night in Genting.
My sisters bring me to their college, a visit to new Taylor's College. It was beautiful!
The library was awesome!

The three days before Dajie left to Korea, we went to her house for dinner. Her mom home cooks was yummy~~~~ I love home cook food because I don't get to taste it all the time. Should find a husband that can cook! hahaha...

After dinner, we drink this choya, cheers for Dajie farewell.
oooo....It was so nice to drink. I tell myself, I will go langkawi one day, to drink all I can..haha..

Owh, Dajie is leaving to Korea thats why her face like this...sad...haha...I know you miss us and the family, cause we miss you too...hugs.

Send her off at the airport. I miss her a lot.
Have a happy trip to Korea!

After sending her off, yeah man! I was lucky enough to be in Usher's concert for FREEEEE!!!
Thanks to my darling MDee.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Lok Lok at Pulau Tikus

Lok Lok in Penang. Is at pulau tikus, have variety choices, eat all you can and pay all you have. The table is never empty, you have to wait for sit but... just love it !

Not only lok-lok, there is other hawker food as well.
The "char koey teow" also not bad...

Price is quite reasonable, don't worry, you won't go home empty pocket. I believe after 10 sticks you will be full and burp out loud ! hohoho...

Just love Penang's hawker food. Cheap and yummy!

P.S: what I like about it, is lok-lok during night time ;p

Monday, June 28, 2010

Pink clip

Where you hide, I've been searching everywhere for you.
When I don't need you, you are there, when I need you, you are gone.
What is all this?!
My memory was bad, forgive me for that...
I can't remember where I place you..
You are so tiny, is real hard for me to find you.
Where are you my little pink clip?!

Have you ever try hard to look for a thing and you will never find it. when you stop searching, it appears from no where..weird~

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Toy Musuem & Jewel of Muscat

Here come all the jobless people's activities. Finish my bachelor degree and no job! So, gather all buddy for an outing. We call it DSLR outing (as if I'm pro) :p

Come on people, have fun! Is life :)

Look at the food, not me.
The rice so little :(

My food was the first to be serve, the hungry ghost Sher
and Nee envying my set :D

Late lunch at this restaurant - "Kocha Taiwanese Delight" at Burma Road, Penang. Portion was small, to me xD
Is actually just nice of food amount they serve in a set. Just that I'm starving to death while searching for this place. Not too full, satisfied !

Read in the Star newspaper that Jewel of Muscat is now in Penang!
jeng jeng jeng....I'm there!
It is sunny day! HOT HOT HOT!
and I'm so "HOT"...haha

But hey, rain come along with the sun, weird weather...

Tak boleh tahan, need a drink to cool us down in this
sunny day.
C-o-c-o-n-u-t, coconut, coconut (sing it)

Tada!!! I've been staying in Penang for 8 years! I never step into toy museum before, cause I thought it will cost me a lot for entrance. Located in Tanjung Bungah. Actually it is only RM10 entrance fees :D

Trying to be super woman! I am what...

The mummy return!
Due to my buddies want to snap sunset, so we headed up to Sunset Bistro, Batu Ferringi.

We never intended to be on the horse, the malay guy con us! I told him I don't want to ride the horse, but he pulled me! End up, I din't pay, nyek nyek nyek~~~
because I told him i'm a student, I have no money, and I say I don't want to ride but you force me to..wakakakaz...

The end of the day, as I said, is DSLR outing, must end with a pro look with the camera xD

P.S: I don't own a DSLR.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Cindebella- Chapter One


Chapter One

Long long time ago, there was a girl name Cindebella. She has a beautiful mother and a caring brother. She was the luckiest baby girl on earth. When she was first hold in the doctor arms, she was totally an ugly duckling! That is why no one loves her more than her father do. She was blessed to have a family.

After Cindebella ended her high school, she was asked to work in the hill top with her mother. It was miles away from her hometown. Everything changes when she turns 17. The person she avoided for months is now gone forever. It was a shock when she received a call from her mother. “Bella,… quick, we are leaving immediately to hometown NOW!” Cindebella knew something wasn’t right in her mother’s tone. In the other end you can hear her mom shivering and sobbing.

Cindebella pause for moment and listen carefully on every words her mother shout out, just a short sentence break her down on knee. She ran as fast as she could. Cindebella tears rushing down on her cheek, the wind blows upon her face fails to dry the tears on her face. As she run she whispered in her heart, “this must not be real, he might just fall a deep sleep, that’s all, he promise to wait for me to go home!”.

Once she step down from the cab and rush to the place where he was lying in now. Standing next to his coffin was Cindebella’s brother. He shook his head while he looked at Cindebella. She looked into the coffin, that familiar face and he looked thinner in the coffin. She realizes how long she has not been seeing him. Cindebella closed her hand tightly with the fingers bent against the palm, her feature cramp all together in the centre point of the face. Her brother holds her tight around her shoulder. She blames herself for her ego attitude. For the past three months, Cindebella and her dad have a big fight. Therefore, she ran away from home. She gives him excuses when her dad came all the way up to the hill to see her and ask for forgiveness.

Cindebella already forgive him month ago, just that she was not ready to see him yet, since they have not been talking to each other for period of times. Father always loves you that he always told her. She recall while looking at him in the coffin. Cindebella’s brother said, “Dad has been waiting to see you till his last breath”.

Cindebella plan to visit her Dad during her off day, just one more day. Her dad did not manage to hold his breath for one more day; God just needed an angel urgently. Cindebella expected the death but not that soon enough to shake her world. She looks so strong in the funeral ceremony, not a drop of tear from her eyes, but who knows her soul has already collapse. This death is expected as her dad has liver cancer for four years. Her dad was a strong man thou. Cindebella never fail to love her dad too.

*****Spend more time with the one you love. ******

Family quarrels are bitter things. They don't go by any rules. At the end of the day, a loving family should find everything forgivable.

Monday, May 3, 2010




Monday, April 12, 2010

Kampar trip

Here we start our one day trip to was a safe trip ;)

I visit Kampar with Sin Nee (Cindy) last weekend. In Zombie condition, depart from Penang at 7.30a.m. I only had my 3hours 'beauty' sleep the day before, not my fault! 'zhor kong' (ancestor) doesn't want to meet me early :(

Long journey? no, it took us 2hours to reach Kampar. It was our first time to drive this far with our mini couper's cousin (produa kelisa) *bangga* (proud)

Cindy was the driver for the day and I'm the passenger...ekekekez...
I know I know, I know i'm lucky to have great friends.

Meet up with Mei aka mummy.
Jeng jeng jeng....the tour guide for the day Hui Mei Soong!
I'm happy to see her and we have non stop chat...
It seem like thousand years we lost contact..hahaha..

Breakfast at Kampar, ate porridge, nice but I still prefer Queensbay Food Market's porridge >.<

We went to Mei's college - UTAR. Majority of the students cycle to college, go green go! *is it?
If they drive no place to park also, Mei said parking sticker is RM100. Not because of money is because they don't have enough parking lot for the students. Is lucky draw base!

Been to her lecture hall. It was nice :)
Hmm....why my college don't look this way???

I saw this sign board inside the campus." Beware of wild animals"(picture on top left)
OMG! what there have in the jungle?

Lion? Tiger?
Must be wild boar!! :p

Look at the beautiful lake, this campus is really a dating campus. Lovers best dating location!!! Beautiful park =)
Oh, you can actually fishing there too...I saw some guys fishing.

I almost melt, Malaysia only have one season SUMMER!!! Obviously, damn HOT!
My body was sticky enough to stick tissue on it...haha...

What is the best thing you wish to have when you were under 34°C for hours?
Ice-cream? As long something baby.
We went for some cold drinks? is it a drink? I'm not sure, is just ice with flavour.
Mei loves the durian flavour so much. eeewwww....
She is happy eating, that is more than enough.

Different people different taste =)
I took soursop (nice) and passion fruits (very very sour).

Eat again! Hurry hurry for curry curry! YES, this is curry chicken bread. How they cook?
They wrap the curry chicken and wrap it with flour than bake it! hahaha..
So, bread wrap curry chicken?
This wasn't a normal bread, it is butter bread! nyumy *
it smell good...soft enough for my teeth to bite..ekekekez...
Well, me and Mei finish up the loaf bread. Our tiny little Cindy said she was full, only one sip she is full (=.=#)

SHOP in Kampar?! hahaha...bought home some biscuit..the famous one in Ipoh.
"kai zhai peng" direct translation - 'chicken little biscuit'
We bought a lot, so the 'tauke soh' give us one free lolipop. So kind hor :p

The railway station, place for Mei to escape from kampar!!! 2hours to Kuala Lumpur. So nice! Some more so cheap. hahaha...

Virgin to Mei's room in Kampar. As you can see from the picture, most of her thingy is PINK!!!

Time to say good bye to Mei, gonna miss her...
Not until May we meet again xD

Teh Sin Nee Michael Schumacher *wink

***The End***