Congratz to my beloved Lisher!
30th July 2010 arrive at Sri Kembangan. I'm there for my partner (Lisher) convo in MMU the next day. Time really flies...
Is super duper HOT in her convo, been standing outside the hall, and there is no shade! I sweat like water fall.
Not only me, I think most of the people there. 2000 students graduate! My college only 200 plus plus I think, or less, I don't know..haha..
During the night, we met our old school mate, Amy Tan. Sat at the mamak stall chit-chating from 11pm to 3am. Nice catching up with an old friend :)
So tired for the day and night.
Blink blink eyes, 3days 2night in KL was like 2Fast 2Furious!!!
I'm so occupied weyyyy~~~~
Back to Penang I have to unpack and pack again for next trip. Coming soon...real soon..
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