Summer holiday in HONG KONG!!! With Cindy, Lisher and Chee Tat.
First day of arrival, SHOPPING at CityGate!!! The transportation in Hong Kong is very convenient and easy. Unlike in sad to say, but is true. You just need to buy an Octopus Card to start travelling in HK.
Is only HK$150, but it won't be enough to travel. I reload HK$150 and got my refund HK$29.
Never Never go Ocean Park during Summer Holiday! Is a disaster!!! Let me tell you why later on...breakfast at somewhere near by our hotel. Some shop, I don't know what's the name.
This is the breakfast set, macaroni with "char siew"?
Come with milk tea and a set of "polo bao" + sausage + ham.The taste is weird, cause I'm not into macaroni.
Is like pouring hot water into the macaroni and drop some "char siew" in it.
One set equal to two person portion, we only order two sets. The price is HK$25 per set. The milk tea unlike Malaysia "teh tarik". I almost spit out at first sip...How I suppose to know the milk tea is without sugar...the waitress asked me have I put sugar? After I drink only she ask...swt..The milk tea is really MILK tea. Milk is thicker than tea.
Here we are!!! Footsteps in Ocean Park. Is never windy outside. Summer summer...
Entrance fees HK$250. Bus fare two ways HK$20++.
YELLOW fishy kisses
long long escalator, is so far to get from one place to the other.
Planning for what to do next while lining up for our turn to ride!
Damn HOT + HUMID! and the queue is so damn long. Looking at the map, finding direction and mark shows of the day.
Too bad, we din't manage to go for any shows, because every where or corner of the park is pack of human! Just to say, some people over there are rude, those from "C" country and speak in "M" slang. I wonder where is their manners and moral values...haiz...
You can see how wet is our hair, is our stinky sweat!
Woolala~~~ we kissed the sea lion xD
OMG! look at our face, under the sun for long hours, look a like dead fish. Everywhere we go in the park, we are sardine fish =.=
The big big aquarium with huge fishy in it.
Really exhausted for the day. Plus the crowd that turn us off. Eventually, we only went for two rides, and one ride about 45mins or 1hour of waiting. Six hours under the sun, I got my skin tan in just 3hours.Rossy cheeks + skin burn + tan skin. Back to hotel about 6 noon, and rush for night outing. to be continue...
P/s: More picture coming up in FB :D
Good day!