Sunday, April 4, 2010

Healthy Activity

A day trip to Pantai Kerachut with 'tambis & tangkachis' (Sim, Aaron, Oscar, Daniel, Alicia & Yun Hui) , it was a great great day. God does listen to the prayers, why ? Cuz that morning did not rain.
Before we start this adventure, of cuz must stuff some food into our tummy.

so, we went to Bali Hai for 'tim sum' ... HEAVY BREAKFAST!!! I understand, guys eat a lot, unfortunately, I don't eat much in the morning.

If i'm too full, then I gain weight, when I gain weight I'm heavy then I cannot hike...muahahaha...
Serious la..I feel like vomiting,like pregnant lady...almost faint...
Before we start our healthy activity, have to register first, in case we lost in Tarzan's house.
Aheem, also a cute Japanese boy I met in the counter...kawaii !!!

Okie, Sim is the MAN! haha...he waited for us (the ladies) , seriously i'm half dead. He helped us to carry our water bottle. So kind of him. I don't mind if can carry me up too =p
We helped each other to the hill top. No matter how hard is the path, we still have to move on. Put this into life, is the same thing. Think positive, believe in yourself, you can make it. Like nike, Just do it!

Susah dahulu, senang kemudian. There is something I like about them, FRESH!
errr...they are not complicated, is fun to be with. They are just being themselves =)
Wish to have another activity with them again. EXCITED!

our lunch...

Pantai Kerachut is a beautiful island. Fresh air, hmmmm~~~
all I can hear is the sound of nature. PEACE!

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